135Wasza ocena

Here's a brief rundown on when to and when not to use auto aim. This mod is now illegal (at least EU/NA). Some players never use it and some always do, here's why the players who know when to use it have an advantage over you. As of the date of publish this mod had not been ruled legal or illegal but even if the mod gets banned this is the default auto aim as soon as you're locked on and this is how to use it and not use it. Aimbots are illegal so if you have a version that targets modules or leads targets I highly recommend removing it. Banned Mod Info Link: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/598224-fair-play-policy/page__st__200__pid__13344242#entry13344242 Auto Aim Indicator+ forum thread (EU Server) (You can download from here) http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/441413-096-autoaim-indicationsnapping/ Hot prohibited mods on autoaim forum thread (NA Server) http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/405729-prohibited-mod-qa/page__st__500 Available as part of many modpacks OMC http://odemmortis.com/odem-mortis-modpack/ Solo's http://new.soloviyko.com/