1589Wasza ocena

It is still not available in HD, its turret is located at the back, and it burns easily... The British FV215b heavy tank is a rare guest in Random Battles. Still, it is one of the most popular heavies in battles on the Global Map and in the Wargaming.net League. How so? What kind of tank is it and how do you play it? You'll know in a minute! To keep up to date with our latest development, contests and events visit http://worldoftanks.eu/ Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/worldoftanks Instagram: https://instagram.com/Wargaming_EU/ Vine: https://vine.co/Wargaming_EU Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldofTanksEU https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netEN https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netCZ https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netDE https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netES https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netFR https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netPL https://twitter.com/Wargaming_netTR