283Wasza ocena

I got exposed as a haxor!!!1! In all seriousness though, this video goes through the litany of reasons why you can't hack a server based game like WoT Blitz. I hope you enjoy! WoTeam Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0cfnNfE2eRy4GDje ---------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out Our New Patreon Site: https://www.patreon.com/woteam?ty=h Here you can help support us by making small $1 donations to help the channel grow. We will likely use it for premium time to help get more tanks. More tanks = More videos. Thanks for the help! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woteamblitz/?ref=hl ----------------------------------------------------------------- How we record our screens: With Mac and QuickTime Player: http://ioshacker.com/how-to/use-quicktime-record-screen-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-running-ios-8 World of Tanks Blitz: www.wargaming.net