135Wasza ocena

Hey guys a lot of you have been requesting more updated server videos so here is another one. I will most likely do one next when a major update comes out. ############### Commands in the first text edit file: #!/BIN/BASH /Users/"your computer name no quotes"/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Unturned/Unturned.app/Contents/MacOS/Unturned +batchmode -nographics +secureserver/Unturned !!! Guys the above file path is just for referance, it will not work on your computer. You need to change your computer name. It is just so you get an idea!!! ######################### Commands.dat Name Unturned Washington Welcome Welcome to my Unturned Server/255/140/0 pvp mode normal maxPlayers 4 timeout 1400 owner - put your steam 64 id here admins - put your steam 64 id here map Russia perspective both cheats on port 27015 loadout 0 - civilian loadout 1 - firefighter loadout 2 - Police Officer loadout 3 - Spec Ops loadout 4 - Farmer loadout 5 - Fisher loadout 6 - LumberJack loadout 7 - Worker loadout 8 - Chef loadout 9 - Thief loadout 10 - Doctor loadout 255 all skillsets put slash after skill set id so for example if i wanted to make a civilian have an alice pack and a heartbreaker i would put loadout 0/253/1037 ######################## to be able to run the .command file in terminal type chmod a+x "drag .command file no quotes"