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PRO PLAYERS GETTING VAC BANNED LIVE ON TWITCH Some pro players and streamers just love to get caught doing what they do best, cheating. Today we fished out the top 7 pro player and streamer, VAC bans in CS:GO history. Welcome to ValveGuides. The VAC ban, everybody knows what it is, few people believe that it actually works, however In the cases of these pros and Streamers, it did. So turn off your aimbots, and other hacking related equipment, and let's get right into the neeeeews. Check us out our social media: twitter.com/ultraguides Creators of this video: https://twitter.com/tacosunrise88 https://twitter.com/JasperBusiness [In this video we talk about] cs go vac banned on stream, cs go vac banned live cs go vac banned mid game cs go vac banned pro cs go vac banned prank cs go pro gets vac banned cs go pro players vac banned live vac banned cs go fix cs go getting vac banned cs go player gets vac banned cs go kqly vac banned cs go pro vac banned live cs go pro vac banned mid game cs go streamer vac banned cs go sf vac banned