22Wasza ocena

180 views in about 10 hours? None of my vids get this many views this fast. A short combo using Lili's rage attack from T7 successfully made for T6 with a cheat code. Thanks to Dan from the Tekken PH group for the code. Note that this move does not require rage mode for T6. You can do it anytime. Unfortunately, if you have a crappy computer like mine, the cheat will not work properly. If I turn on the cheat code along with the K! codes, Lili will suddenly do the last hit of the move after everything she does. So I turned off all cheats except for this and for some reason, it still has its K! property turned on despite K! master code being turned off. Still buggy though, the enemy spun on the wrong side. _C0 LIL K! D/F+3+4,3 _L 0xE01D001E 0x004078B4 _L 0xE01D01F6 0x00407A18 _L 0xE01D0025 0x20407940 _L 0xE01D0400 0x00407D3C _L 0x20407980 0x00001110 _L 0x20407D10 0x0000001C _L 0xE001086A 0x004078E2 _L 0x20407D24 0x08700E3C _L 0xE0010875 0x004078E2 _L 0x20407D24 0x087ACA3C _L 0x00000000 0x00000000 _L 0xE01D001E 0x004078B4 _L 0xE11D0041 0x0061F09C _L 0xE0020000 0x00407A18 _L 0xE0010011 0x0040864C _L 0x20408654 0x08E43C38 _L 0xE00D1110 0x00407980 _L 0x00000000 0x00000000