19Wasza ocena

► Scene List: - 0:23 - Elemental 22k DPS - 0:41 - Elemental 23k DPS - 1:16 - Enhancement 23k DPS - 1:49 - Enhancement 29k DPS - 2:19 - Enhancement 35,7k DPS Follow me on Facebook for the latest news at: https://www.facebook.com/RahbekWoWGaming Another Shaklyn release! In this video Shaklyn shows the incredible DPS she can deliver in both Elemental + Enhancement spec. No hacks or ''cheaty'' debuffs where used while recording this. Done on Ravencrest EU - [Patch 4.3.3] If you enjoy video and want more, be sure to write feedback in the comments below and rate the video by thumbing up. Armory link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ravencrest/Shaklyn/simple ► Music: Subkulture- Erasus(Escapist Remix by Brent Young)