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Want to try out rektLeague for free? Go here: https://www.gamekiller.net/threads/rektleague-overlay-cheat-for-rocket-league-ball-path-ball-distance-crosshair-more.3248993/ Purchase premium version here: https://www.gamekiller.net/pember/membership-new FEATURES: -shows the path of the ball, allowing you to set up perfect aerials. How much easier would it be to defend the goal if you knew where the ball was going? -shows the distance to the ball, allowing you to more properly time your approach. -speedometer -crosshair -approach vector -boost cooldowns Coming soon! -full ESP with bounding boxes -infinite boost (doesn't work in multiplayer). Perfect for practicing your aerials Rocket League Cheat, Rocket League Hack, Rocket League ESP, Rocket League Overlay