15Wasza ocena

IT'S NOT WORKING ANYMORE Other Bugs: http://z15.invisionfree.com/iBugOgame/index.php?showtopic=2 FIXED January 2009 This is the 5th bug I found in Ogame. With this I Could make ships and defense for free... We've had several bugs found. To exploit this bug you need to have firefox and download a plugin called Tamper Data. Then you go to the Defence/Hangar and activate Tamper Data. If you want to build ANY ship for free just add the POST data: fmenge[216]=1 if you want ANY defence just add: fmenge[418]=1 Explanation: By adding that POST data, you're telling the server to build a ship that doens't exist. This would mess up the server and would give you ships without paying. FIXED January 2009