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Barney's Things - My Snapchats - ThatBarneyDirt My Tweeter - http://twitter.com/ThatGuyBarney My Instantgrams - http://instagram.com/ThatGuyBarney My BookFace - http://facebook.com/ThatGuyBarney My Zergs - http://zergid.com/ThatGuyBarney Play this map - http://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/dont-trust-the-floor Hello der my friends and welcomes to a Minecraft Adventures map. Today I will be playing the map called Don't Trust The Floor and this game is pretty simple, if your touch the floor your die. As all of your guys is know I am the great Parkour of my times so this map was a no problems for me and I might even say watching this video would be a good lessons on how to parkour. I DIDN"T CHEAT GUYS! Now that I got that out of the ways I hope that your guys enjoy this Minecraft Don't Trust the Floor video and as the always Dirts, Have the Great Day :) Translate to English - Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video! Today ThatGuyBarney is playing a Minecraft parkour map called Don’t Trust the Floor, where you can’t touch the floor! To start, Barney jumps from tree to tree but falls, and then tries again, and falls again, at which point he decides to be a quitter and give up and go another way. Barney makes it past the part he initially failed at, but gets stuck and is left with no choice but to kill himself. He eventually makes it past all those trials and is approaching the first checkpoint when he misses a jump to a lamp and has to start all over. Barney falls in the fence parkour several times before finally deciding that, hey, he’s already proven he’s a quitter, why not go full out? So he switches to game mode to navigate to safety and then boldly defies anyone to say he’s cheated. After that, he cheats many, many, many more times, finally building himself a bridge over the parkour all the way to the first checkpoint. Alas, not even cheaters are winners – even with his cheats and flying everywhere, Barney just can’t defeat the map. So he uses the only real option left to him – blow up the entire map. And that’s it for this Minecraft Don’t Trust the Floor! Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!