279Wasza ocena

This is the latest LoL RP glitch available and it works perfectly. You can use it on any server as well! WORKS 11-12-13 WORKS 2013 Just follow these super easy steps. 1) Click on following link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=5250d521123c4232147451 (this masked url links you to special hacked LoL signup site) 2) Make an account. 3) Play until you get summoner level 10. 4) Reset LoL client by logging out and in. Enjoy your free RP :) ***Tips for reaching level 10 -Play battle training (NO TUTORIAL) - it makes you level 2 and a half -On level 3 you are getting 400 RP - buy 1day XP Boost with your RP -Do not leave games or using offensive language - you can be suspended -You can play continuously - you can reach level 10 in 1day! sell the account for real cash or just use it to play :) IMPORTANT NOTE: When you make lvl 10, there is about 80% chance you get the RP, so when you dont get RP on the first attempt, don't worry and try it again! :) My friend got his rp the first time he tryed it , but remember this is a hack and it might not work to a 100%. PS: Feel free to comment, like, subscribe and share this video. The more people who know about this video and link the better for the league of legends community. Tags:league of legends lol fpvod riot games dota clone defense of the ancients watch me sc commentary english welcome to summoners rift you'll be here awhile video on demand vod champion spotlight walkthrough twisted treeline watchmesc swearing gameplay computer pc howto akali alistar anivia amumu mummy annie ashe blitz blitzcrank brand caitlyn cait cass cassiopeia cho cho'gath corki dr. mundo eve evelynn ezreal fiddlesticks galio fiddle gang gangplank pirate garen gragas heimer heimerdinger irelia janna jarvan IV jax karma karthus kass kassadin kat katarina kayle kennen kog'maw leblanc LB lee sin blind monk lux malphite malz malzahar malph maokai tree masteryi yi master yi mf miss fortune morde mordekaiser morg morgana nasus nid nidalee nocturne noc nunu olaf brolaf panth pantheon poppy rammus ren renekton ryze shaco shen singed sion sivir sona soraka swain taric teemo trist tristana trundle tryn tryndamere tf twisted fate twitch rat udyr urgot veig veigar vlad vladimir warwick ww wick xin zhao zil zilean jinx new characted guide skills mana mastery rune skill online cheat glitch