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GTA 5 PC has been out for almost 24 hours but one question I'm getting a lot at the moment is how do cheats work on the pc version of GTA 5. Thanks to you guys dropping comments in my last video, there's an even easier way!I show you a very easy way to use cheats in gta 5. I've listed them all below! Thanks for watching this grand theft auto 5 video! Be sure to drop a like if you enjoyed. Support Us : https://www.patreon.com/Olli43 Olli43 Channel: http://youtube.com/olli43 Second Channel: http://youtube.com/mrollihull Twitter: http://twitter.com/ollihull Twitch TV: http://twitch.tv/olli43 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Olli43-Machinima-Director/307216559302170 Official Website: http://olli43.com Cheat Codes: Flaming Bullets 1-999-462-363-4279 Explosive Melee Attack 1-999-4684-2637 Give Parachute SKY-DIVE Moon Gravity FLOATER Drunk Mode LIQUOR Recharge Ability POWER-UP Slow Motion SLOW-MO Skyfall SKY-FALL BMX BANDIT Comet COMET PCJ-600 ROCKET Sanchez Dirt Bike OFF-ROAD Rapid GT RAPID-GT Limo VINEWOOD Trashmaster TRASHED Buzzard Helicopter BUZZ-OFF Stunt Plane BARN STORM Invincibility PAIN-KILLER Slow Down SLOW-MO Max Health & Armor TURTLE Fast Run CATCH ME Raise Wanted Level FUGITIVE Change Weather MAKE IT RAIN Slippery Cars (Drifting) SNOWDAY