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ASK ME QUESTIONS IF YOU'RE UNSURE. You don't wanna make an irreversible mistake. This is my tutorial on how to use CFW and Cwcheats and Hexadecimal codes from TZ in order to make T6 on the PSP have T7 mechanics. Remember to take your time and be careful!!! Can't emphasize that enough. The one thing that i wish I could replicate better in this video is copying the Update & CFW files actually upgrading to OFW 6.60 but it's sorta hard to reverse my PSP back to how it used to be =( Files download links: (First two links, click on the one that applies to you--depending on what model PSP you have) http://wololo.net/installing-pro-cfw-on-a-psp-1000-psp-phat/ http://wololo.net/installing-pro-cfw-on-a-psp-3000-psp-brite/ Cwcheats Engine (if your psp doesn't have an seplugins folder then copy and paste the seplugins folder from this link into your psp ^^) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Z6G2OumhnqYUd0YUpBT2hGUms Cuong's CHEAT.DB (overwrite the standard cheat.db with my cheat.db It's better!!! =) ) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Z6G2OumhnqaU9iVTIybG8zSGM Tailspin Codes notepad document https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Z6G2OumhnqMDR4Mm5FUkZnOUk List of Kirimori Moves (outdated) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0Z6G2OumhnqZHdZRlZqOUtieGs Note about the Cwcheat.rar- That folder I'm pretty sure is different from the one in the tutorial(I forgot where I found it though srry haha--but it shouldn't be a problem I think--it just has more things inside of it. Important thing I wanna say is if you use my GoogleDrive Cwcheat folder, the seplugins located inside INSTALL is for PC users and the seplugins located inside INSTALL_371 is for MAC users. If your PSP doesn't already have an seplugins folder you can just copy and paste the entire seplugins folder to your PSP ^_^. Tekken 6.iso download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By1zQ6HZfoUYMExhaWVYR2dxazA Helpful Links (If you already downloaded the files above you don't really need these) http://www.pspcwcode.com/2014/07/cwcheat-v023.html http://sadamitsu.ru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlcgCLqSvVU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nck96aAunyw General Steps: 1.) Get the OFW 6.60 2.) Get the CFW 6.60 Pro 3.) Get Cwcheats Engine 4.) Transfer files and Update accordingly 5.) Get the necessary codes 6.) Use terminal/command prompt and manipulate cheat.db file 6.) OR overwrite standard cheat.db with another person's cheat.db 7.) Hold down select then enable cheats 8.) Pick Dragunov once and then exit 8.) Hold down select again and turn on the cheats 9.) all set ^^ To pick different stagesactivate a single stage cheat but not K. then once in the stage activate kirmori cheat. Or just use the stage cheats with (Pr) next to it. Notes on using Vim pwd ls -tlr using path of the file, cd until you get to right directory vim cheat.db /ULUS-10466 to find T6 cheats The / key is the search function Shift+A = insert mode (add and move things) Shift=V = visual mode (delete things) press X after highlighting in visual mode to delete can copy and paste normally escape to switch modes :wq to save then exit