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Cheats for Spore! Press "Ctrl+Shift+C" to open the console screen. Type code into the console, then hit enter. moreMoney - $1000000 in space or civilization refillMotives - Replenish your health along with other motives. unlockSuperWeapons - Super Weapons are unlocked with this cheat code. addDNA - Get 150 DNA points. freeCam - Toggle a Free Cam around. capturePlanetGIF - Captures and saves a spinning image of your planet which is then saved in your "AnimatedAvatars" directory. antiAliasGIF - Captures and saves spinning GIF of the planet you are on and dumps to AnimatedAvatars directory SetTime - Setting the time for your Avatar's position, and can also be a speed multiplier. Killallhints - Gets rid of all hints. freedom[on / off] - Toggles, disables (on) or re-enables (off) editor complexity limits. Creations that break the limits will not be pollinated! help - List of commands (cheats). help -full - More detailed description of commands. option - Option list. prop - Display/Modify properties. clear - Clear console. levels - Level Cheats. levels -unlock - Unlock all phases. Jump to any phase with this cheat. Some achievements may not be gained if you choose to use this code. history - Gives you a list of your last commands. spaceCreate - Unlocks and recharges creation tools while playing in space. pauseUIVisible - Sets or toggles whether the pause frame is drawn. toggleCaptureUI - Toggles UI for image capture. movie - Video cheat. styleFilter -oilPaint - Unique Spore look. styleFilter -filmNoir - Black-white look styleFilter -none - Deactivate all filters. quit - Quit game. setConsequenceTrait (add a trait name) - Add any of the following names after setConsequenceTrait without the brackets. cell_carnivore cell_herbivore cell_omnivore creature_aggressive creature_social creature_mixed tribe_aggressive tribe_social tribe_mixed civ_military civ_economic civ_religious space_bard space_ecologist space_zealot space_diplomat space_scientist space_trader space_shaman space_warrior space_wanderer space_knight Disclaimer: I do not own Spore!