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Find out the fastest way to lose your belly fat: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdn6 What's up y'all, It's Jonny with Insane Home Fat Loss and I've got another great topic to cover today. I hear about this a lot and actually partake in it myself, and that is: The CHEAT Meal! I'm going to breakdown what the cheat meal is, how it can be used to your advantage, when to do it, how many times you can do it, etc, etc... So listen up, because it's small, simple tips like this that can give you the unique edge to getting the body you've always wanted. 0:20 What EXACTLY is a cheat meal? - Eating a meal that is completely out of your normal eating routine that typically has more calories and a much higher macro content than your typical meals -- Generally 2 or 3 times the amount. ** Macro = Macronutrients - Protein, Carbs and Fats 0:45 Let's say that you find yourself at a restaurant where you have to eat with family or clients, but are still able to find something macro-friendly that can suitably replace your normal meal. - I don't consider this a cheat meal. - Doing this once or twice a week is fine as long as you are truly making good choices, this is called "Flexible Dieting" and it's perfectly ok. 1:37 WHY a cheat meal? - Remember that your body is a machine and can adapt really well to even the most aggressive and complex of diets. - This is why you find yourself hitting plateaus! **Your body probably became acclimated to your diet and found the most efficient way to operate using what you were feeding it. 2:11 What you need to do is basically "shock" your system. - You are going to use your cheat meals to throw off your levels (Leptin, Insulin, Blood Glucose...) causing your metabolism to spike while it tries to digest this giant cheat meal. 2:37 Another advantage to the cheat meal, and probably most importantly: - It's there to keep you SANE! - If you're eating the same stuff day in and day out and losing weight, that's great, but we all get cravings. Give yourself this to look forward to so you can continue to do the right thing to stay healthy. - This also helps to prevent future cravings! 3:11 WHEN to cheat? This is what I have found that works for me: - Cheating on the meal I eat before my workout. Meaning, I plan my workout a couple hours after eating my cheat meal. - This way I can take advantage of all the protein, fat and carbs I'm taking in and get a huge pump when I go in! 4:13 Eating the cheat meal after you workout is ok in my opinion too. - You just worked out so you have to the "feed the machine", your metabolism is going to be raised so this is a great time to get some extra macros in. 4:29 I just started dieting, how LONG should I wait before doing a cheat meal? - Everyone's body is different, so the key is to find what really works for you. - 2 or 3 weeks in, asses how you look and feel. - Example: Are you still progressing with your weight loss? Maybe you don't want to mess it up. Have you hit a plateau? Maybe it's time for a system shock. 4:55 If you're 1 week in and just got on a new diet, then there is no need for a cheat meal. A cheat meal at this time just doesn't make any sense. 5:03 How MUCH can I eat? - Roughly 2 to 3 times the amount of your regular meals that eat on your diet. - So, if you eat 40 - 50 grams of carbs per meal, then allow yourself 150 grams or so in that one meal! Sounds fun! 5:39 WHAT to cheat with? - There is still really bad food for you out there. Such as fast-food -- this is all highly processed, deep-fried stuff that is awful for you. I know you've all seen the stories and movies about it! - But you still have a lot of options, so don't be afraid to eat those simple sugars or ice cream. ** Remember that cheat meal is just that -- a MEAL, not a cheat DAY. 6:46 I last thing I'd like to say about this is: - Ya, have a cheat meal, enjoy it & embrace it -- You earned it. - But DON'T go crazy! - You don't want to set yourself back and start feeling bad about yourself for it, you're working too hard for that! 7:06 Cheat, but cheat cautiously! So again, this is Jonny and for more info on how to be like your boy here come back often to check us out. And as always leave your comments below and remember to share those before and after pics! Want slimming secrets for leaner body? - Click here: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdn6 My fitness success didn't come naturally, and to be honest, I had a long time struggle with fat in all of those typical trouble areas! However, I never let it get the best of me and knew that I would find a way to conquer it. It wasn't until I discovered this one simple training "concept" that everything changed for me and the fat began to melt right off. Now, I have the tight, lean body of my dreams -- and you can too! Discover this weight loss "wonder" for yourself: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdn6 Train Hard, Jonny Remember to Share the video with your friends on Facebook! http://youtu.be/LPa4T1smwtg