356Wasza ocena

DOWNLOAD: http://adf.ly/1etdoV CONTROLS: ALT= Speed up /= Speed Brake B= Make vehicle Jump! Home= Automatically get in to a vehicle. N=Automatically get out to a vehicle. Numpad 5= Spider or Wall ride. (dot) . = To make Vehicle Fly F11= Cheats and Others. [ = to make the vehicle turn left. ] = to make the vehicle turn right. Backspace= to make the vehicle turn back. Right Shift= Airbreak Controls: WASD and Arrow keys. End= to get in a vehicle in passenger sit. 1= to fix vehicle. Numpad / =Save position Numpad * =Load Position HOW TO INSTALL THE HACK/MOD: Just run the installer, it will guide you through it. WARNING: I am not responsable for any damage. If your game crashes or you get banned, it's your own fault!