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Help me reach 200k Subscribers! - http://bit.ly/1Fqz17R Hope this helps for some of you guys that didnt know how to use some cheats all ready in the game! Cheat Codes Give Parachute SKY-DIVE Moon Gravity FLOATER Drunk Mode LIQUOR Recharge Ability POWER-UP Slow Motion SLOW-MO Skyfall SKY-FALL BMX BANDIT Comet COMET PCJ-600 ROCKET Sanchez Dirt Bike OFF-ROAD Rapid GT RAPID-GT Limo VINEWOOD Trashmaster TRASHED Buzzard Helicopter BUZZ-OFF Stunt Plane BARN STORM Invincibility PAIN-KILLER Slow Down SLOW-MO Max Health & Armor TURTLE Fast Run CATCH ME Raise Wanted Level FUGITIVE Change Weather MAKE IT RAIN Slippery Cars (Drifting) SNOWDAY Social Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/ItsElanip Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/elanip Facebook - http://on.fb.me/1KwglDY 2nd Channel - http://bit.ly/1x93Bsg GTA IV Mod's: Scripts - http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.co.uk/ All skins - http://www.gta4-mods.com/