40Wasza ocena

In this video, I show you the best breeding combination which you can use to obtain the Limited-Time Breeding dragon, Gem. The Gem Dragon is EPIC with the elements, Energy, Light and Earth. USE MAGNET DRAGON + GEIGER DRAGON *The BAD NEWS, BUT I NEED YOUR HELP TO FIX THIS:* Today is when I found out that Gameloft had patched the "cheat" which I used to make the videos of the style I had in the older videos (breeding ones before this one). The cheat did not affect their servers at all so it wasn't a way to circumvent the *online* payment system. All it was was a temporary "cheat" which gave unlimited gems and stuff until reconnected to server. If you don't like these new types of videos which Gameloft kinda forced me to make, everybody posting on the official Dragon Mania Legends forums about this can be very helpful. If you like my old way, please post in the Technical Support category because it is a technical thing. Link to the official Dragon Mania Legends forums: https://forum.gameloft.com/index.php?f=1798&curpage=flist *Please* SOCIAL MEDIA: Dragon Mania Legends Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/115247677097318232232 My Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+CrystalDragonDML My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Crystal-Dragon-1121865947848291 My Dragon Mania Legends Website: http://dmlcrystaldragon.wix.com/dragonml