18Wasza ocena

I found this by mistake To do this, glitch through the grave stone, go to the security/ red tent then open your party, then close it, and you should be where you want to be can we get 5 likes? edit: 9 views and 1 like is amazing! edit: 20 views is amazing! edit: 41 Views?!? Amazing!!! edit: as of the 1.1 version of fnaf world, this glitch no longer works edit: over 50 views? wow! thanks but this glitch dosen't work anymore edit: 67 views is amazing thank you guys so much! edit: OVER 100 VIEWS???? Thank you guys so much! edit: Close to 300 views and 5 likes!!!! Thank you guys so much. edit: over 400 views and 6 likes and 1 dislike. I don't even care about the dislike, just the fact that people watch my video is amazing! Thank you guys wow, it's been over 3 months and close to 1k views! and 11 likes. Thank you guys