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Hey folks, just a nifty new video on my latest Fallout Shelter save hack. This one unlocks ALL the rooms, from the start. No more placing a bunch of junky Water Treatment, Power Generators and Diners. Drop in a Nuka Cola Bottler right away and watch the resources flow like ambrosia. The Website now has '8' Save files, which should cover almost everyone. However if you'd like something special, let me know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Links~ Tutorial for Android: https://youtu.be/bGzRDMY6YQE Tutorial for Bluestacks: https://youtu.be/k-ea-HhzUno Save files: http://falloutshelter.inixstudios.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Like, Share and Subscribe if you liked this hack, and want to see more content. Also, I'm down for input on what to play. Wanna see me play through all the Fallout games until 4 comes out? Want me to play a new game you found that looks awesome? Let me know. Thanks for all the support folks, you've made the late nights and testing so many saves, not only bearable, but fun. Fallout Shelter is owned by Bethesda Softworks