33Wasza ocena

In this video you will learn exactly what you need to build the .50 Sniper / Anti-material rifle. And if you are impatient, I also show you how to get it right out the vault using cheat codes for PC. Shopping list below... Shopping list for basic .50 along with cheat codes. Apologies for making this video about 2x as long as it needed to be, I recorded the different sections at different times and ended up repeating a lot of info. Will speed it up next time. (NOTE: It seems there is a .50 cal rifle in the game, if you want to try and get it, here is a video showing you where it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90KTp...) UPDATE. This link might not be working now, Maybe the guys page got taken down or something, but you can find other videos on where to find the existing .50 rifles. NOTE2: to figure out how to max out the .50 rifles damage rating from 64 to 184, I have added a how to at the end of the comments below. Experience required, 27000 for lvl 25 Cheat for xp player.modav experience 27000 After your experience is gained go upgrade your perks. Inelegance lvl 3 Gun Nut lvl 3 Now gather your items with the following code. player.additem XXXXX # xxxx being item code and # your desired quantity. 1 Hunting Rifle 4F46A 7 Adhesive 1BF72E 10 Aluminum 6907A 4 Gears 6907E 5 Oil 1BF732 8 Screws 69081 .50 Ammo 1F279 as much as you want That is sufficient to build the basic .50 if you want the fully customized version with muzzle break and Target tracking Optics you will need the following. Lvl 25 Intelegence 6 Gun Nut 3 Science 1 Items 1 Hunting Rifle 4F46A 5 Fiber Optics 69087 2 Rubber 106D98 11 Springs 69082 4 circuitry 6907B 6 Crystals 6907D 33 Adhesive 1BF72E 39 Aluminum 6907A 4 Gears 6907E 9 Oil 1BF732 29 Screws 69081 4 Nuclear Material 69086 4 Silver AEC66 .50 Ammo 1F279 If you do not know how to use these codes, watch the video. HOW TO MAX OUT THE .50 Rifle Damage from 64 to 184.... Ok so to get damage from about 64 up to 184 you will need to use perks. max out the "rifleman" perk to double your damage, actually I think it is just over double. Max out the "Bloody Mess" perk to get a little more damage, maybe 13 pts, then max out your "Lone Wanderer"; perk, that should give you another 25% or so, I believe those are all the perks that can be used to increase the damage of the .50. I believe I did add Heavy gunner but I can not remember if that gave any boost to the .50 or not, I am leaning towards No. Hope that helps.