1110Wasza ocena

From the August 12th Livestream! Regarding 55:55 -- I've checked the files. Iberian Wedding has a 1/12th of a chance to trigger each month, if Aragon and Castile have rulers of opposite gender and are at peace. Only valid between 1450 and 1550. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter to chat! http://www.facebook.com/quill18 http://www.twitter.com/quill18 Join me and other viewers on Raidcall voicechat! Group ID: 6104517 http://www.raidcall.com/ Visit my website and vote on games! http://towerdive.com I occasionally do live streams, follow me on Twitch to get alerted when I do! http://www.twitch.tv/quill18 New to the channel? I do Let's Play videos -- these are like walkthrough guides of gameplay with continuous English commentary trying to explain my decisions and what strategy I use. If you're looking for hacks or cheats, you're in the wrong place!