72Wasza ocena

Here's an easy walk-through to get Maximum Stats/Attributes in DBXV. No Audio ; Onscreen Instructions What You need: - DBXV game - Cheat Engine Installed - Common Sense to follow this video How to do it?: 1. Open DragonBall Xenoverse 2. Navigate to some idle state of play 3. Now open Cheat Engine 4. First off, load the game in Cheat Engine 5. You'll notice its loaded in the Cheat Engine once you see the name of the process on the engine status bar 6. Now go back to DBXV idle play state and hit Esc to get to the configuration options 7. Select Customize ,then select Boost Attributes .This is the order you're gonna follow 8. You should have atleast 5-10 Attribute points already, to do this! 9. I have 27 here, so its plenty to spare! 10. Now lets get to work! 11. First Notice the number of your attribute points and scan it with Cheat Engine. Mine is 27 12. Input the Attribute value and make the first scan 13. Okay, with that, we've got a lot of 27's in the game's address table. Now all we've got to do is pinpoint the exact address that we want 14. Do this by simply changing the attribute... i.e use/spend it! 15. And just like that... I used an attribute. Now my number is 26. Thats makes the next scan value! 16. And lo! with just that.. we've narrowed down thousands of possible addresses to just two. 17. Tinkering just two is no big deal. You can change values of one or both. 18. As you just saw, select the addresses, right click and Add them to the address list 19. Now change the value 20. After setting desired value.. hit Esc to move back one screen. Be sure to Save your setting 21. And we have 9999 points just like that. 22. MAX Stats all the way!! Enjoy beating your enemies to a pulp with just plain old punches! -lancel0t