346Wasza ocena

Well... it didn't take long, but Diablo 3 has a MASSIVE game-breaking bug in Patch 2.4.3 and Season 9 based on the Red Soul Shard from the Darkening of Tristram anniversary event. DO NOT USE THIS BUG. YOU WILL BE BANNED For clarification, this cheat works with each new hero that people are boosting for basically the duration of ONE Greater Rift because of the 20-30+/- minute buff received from leveling the hero wearing the red soul shard gem. The "permanent buff" I mentioned in the video is in relation to the permanent buff for the GR they do to receive the CDR/RCR from the gem and the duration obtained from the leveling boost, not literally permanently. More information can be found on this Reddit post where it was first seemingly made public: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/5n2t5l/gamebreaking_red_soul_shard_bug/ Let me know in the comments what you think of this Diablo 3 cheat that's currently being used right now. Is a permaban the proper punishment for taking advantage of the bug in Season 9 and throwing off the leaderboards? UDPATE: The bug has been fixed as of this afternoon https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20752660475 Looking for Diablo 3 build guides? Check out the following guides: Demon Hunter Sentry Best Build - https://youtu.be/JDRxo8vW7xI Crusader Hammerdin Best Build - https://youtu.be/ZR4ldRXWfTk Monk Best Build - https://youtu.be/x6f3acObOHg Barbarian Whirlwind Build - https://youtu.be/Ejo-F7lqCv0 Follow me on Twitter for more updates @JHowGaming Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/jhow4444