330Wasza ocena

I stumbled upon this glitch while messing around with the new jackpot system that was added to the simulator. Unfortunately for me, I instead did the glitch (Which I will explain bellow) , I did it the opposite way, making my big bet have such a low win rate. How2Glitch: 1) It is recommended that you have a few valuable items, and don't try and go for the impossible jackpot on your first try, you will probably lose your items. 2) Select a few of your items that are slightly cheaper than your most expensive weapons 3) After confirming the bet, select the weapons once again but this time pick your pricey ones. Once you do this, Do NOT press confirm, but instead press cancel. 4) Start the bet and you will see a higher than 100% win chance, or at least higher than what you would have had originally ________________________ I don't know why this happens but it must be something with the value counting. Also, use this quickly as I am going to send this video to the app creator himself. I think I deserve a reward for finding something like this... *wink wink* *NUDGE* https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=142619485&token=wfpR24TM Edit: Its been patched and I got left with no credit from the dev. R I P. B O Y Z.