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DJ Southanbred, Emmanuel Hudson, & Andre Columbus have teamed up to bring you the lowdown on cheating for tests! Just in time for exams!!! Ratchet Girl Anthem - The Single Now Avaliable on iTunes - http://bit.ly/GI9hj9 For Booking Contact Management 404-804-5579 - Bobby Patterson | archivebooking@gmail.com | Subscribe: http://ow.ly/9r4aV Archive Ent's Twitter http://ow.ly/9r4hO Emmanuel & Phillip's Twitter http://ow.ly/9r4wn Emmanuel Hudson's Twitter http://ow.ly/9r3nn DJ Southanbred's Twitter http://ow.ly/9v0Oh Andre Columbus' Twitter http://ow.ly/9v0Tg Phillip Hudson's Twitter http://ow.ly/9r3ry Reverbnation http://ow.ly/9r4ts Facebook http://ow.ly/9r3xm Google + http://ow.ly/9r484 Tumblr http://ow.ly/9r4dL Fan mail - HudsonFanMail@gmail.com