3983Wasza ocena

It seems some of the things in this video are to complex for the average viewer to understand. In BF3 the most damage you can do with a knife slash or "slap knifing" is 67% damage and that is when it is a headshot, otherwise it is 50% damage. That is what the BF3 "counter knife" is and it's the reason I showed my health was over 67% each time it happened. Modifying the damage of your weapon is still cheating. A while back you guys were asking for a knifing video, well better late then never. Included are both the failed/successful and sometimes funny attempts at knifing these guys. At the time it seemed like the only way to make a unique knifing video and to actually make knifing the target a challenge. I say that because I play on 64 player servers the majority of the time and with the multiple soundscapes and broken soundstage you're lucky to hear anything moving a foot away from your character so it's not really a challenge to get close to someone. The original idea behind this was wouldn't it be more challenging/humiliating to knife someone that can actually see you coming. Most of these guys were just damage cheaters with allspot on ( allspot - they could see everyone on the enemy team on the map/minimap ) but there were a few that also had aimbots. At the time these were recorded each of these players was using one or a combination of those things. What was slightly odd was when I came across one I checked his friends list on battlebook and found a few others. Originally I thought I was going after a large group of them but a few months later when I searched through their names and GUIDs again and found they had been using different and new accounts because some of their alt accounts picked up bans so the same 2-3 players would keep adding each other as friends on battlelog. At least that was the conclusion I came to it could be a little off. While not all of the accounts knifed in this video were caught by PB ( as some stopped playing or switched to new accounts ) feel free to check the stats of the players as the usual identifiers for damage cheats are evidence enough for the rest. You might have to do a little extra searching to find some though as they changed there originID/username. AfricanSlaveGirl ( username was changed ) http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/323651040/stats/323651040/ Pholexx http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-1c653a84-vb289599.html -CN-wjsanjj ( username was changed ) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-32505b3f-vb285838.html youmeyoume http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-3533a125-vb298430.html Also uploaded screencaps of that one kill, those eyes... http://i.imgur.com/l4G9QMq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MBElNmU.jpg On a side note this probably the only video I've done containing gameplay of TDM and Hardcore mode.