5074Wasza ocena

I'm so glad that there is such a variety of dinosaurs as the brawlasaurs instead of just the classic raptor or T.Rex. ❤❤❤ For Exclusive Updates you can find them all here ❤❤❤ ❤ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1CSf5Yd ❤ Instagram: http://bit.ly/1LE000q ❤ Twitter: http://bit.ly/16adMa1 ❤ Twitch: www.twitch.tv/agamingbeaver Jurassic World Group :https://www.facebook.com/groups/755661411216874 Battle Chart and Statistics http://battlecalculator.com/jurassic-world-creature-statistics/ So what is there to say about it? Well it appears to be very similar to jurassic park builder but has better graphics and better mechanics, things have been tweaked for better game play and it seems like Ludia has spent a lot of time evaluating what it takes to make a good App Game.45