295Wasza ocena

In this video I play just a 1v4 game as Dutch while using cheats! Always fun! I hope you enjoy and sorry for some lag :) PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7OaMvIPWrw ALL CHEATS TOGETHER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v4g5BNwmXk ➠ this is too hard → Win in singleplayer ➠ X marks the spot → Reveals map (fog of war still there) ➠ Medium Rare Please → Gives 10.000 food ➠ Give me liberty or give me coin → Gives 10.000 coin ➠ -censored- → Gives 10.000 wood ➠ Nova & Orion → Gives 10.000 XP ➠ A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese → Fattens all animals on map ➠ Sooo Good → You can see text when you demolished something ➠ Speed always wins → Turns on 100x gather/build rates ➠ Ya gotta make do with what ya got → Spawns the Mediocre Bombard at your Home City ➠ gather point tuck tuck tuck → Spawns a big red monster truck that can run over anything ➠ Shiver me Timpers! → Destroys all the enemy boats on the map ➠ Where's that axe? → George Crushington ➠ a whole lot of love → Gives 10k of every recourse ➠ o canada 2005 → Lazerbear ➠ don't kick the pitbull → Learicorn ➠ we [less then sign]3 fluffy!1! → Fluffy ➠ wuv woo vol.2 → Flying Tapir ➠ wee ooh wee ooh → Andytruck ➠ ding ding ding → Ice Cream ➠ mustard relish and burning oil → HotDog Cart ➠ trade plz → 10k export ➤Thanks for watching! ➤Subscribe for more Age of Empires: http://goo.gl/kAIYrf ➤My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/jimleem1 ➤My ELO rating: http://aoe3.jpcommunity.com/rating2/player?n=MCJim&t=age3ySPOverall&m=latestmatch ❤ Support me! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=66D7CDQHPRNSS -MCJim