5Wasza ocena

If u wanna/feel like helping me help my channel https://youtube.streamlabs.com/UCsPcH3dVG2pd71XYBsUPaXw Rules of the LiveStream: Be Polite NO Hate NO advertising your channel or self-promotions or asking for subs (auto-ban forever) Create positivity No Racial Slurs or Remarks (auto-ban forever) No political or religious speech (time-out for 5 minutes) Be respectful to everyone to create a clean and safe chat for everyone NO cyberbullying DO NOT ask for mod and Respect my Moderators NO Spam Have Fun! ZOMBIES TEAMMATE'S MrR1G_1982: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6bumBGFyBynrGnNrjN_kA EVILXJUGHERNOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_Bb-Jhebzdx4SA5JBt1pg DOPESMOKER1985: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpAqyb7n3zEv4KcvOHLSirw