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Watch the 'FINAL EDITION' of the FILM @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZKaA2Mq2U *Buy the DVD or BluRay LOADED with BONUS FEATURES: http://www.bravearcherfilms.com/shop.html *DOWNLOAD in FULL HD @ VimeoOnDemand: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/2012crossingover *Support Independent Filmmaking by Donating to our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/BraveArcherFilms TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e4QLvj1olU Interview with filmmaker Amel Tresnjic Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Amel.Tresnjic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw1K4pFyYZQ FanPage https://www.facebook.com/2012CrossingOverMovie Plot: Released before DEC-21-2012, this uplifting film explores a 'positive' spiritual perspective regarding the extraordinary significance of 'December 21, 2012' and thereafter. Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures. Why and what does it mean for us? This feature documentary embarks on an esoteric journey that forms a greater understanding of our worlds 'current state' and the awakening of a new wave of consciousness. Furthermore, it provides an empowering message on how every individual can contribute in making our planet a more peaceful and loving place. The film investigates the 2012 phenomenon, the awakening of mankind, the study of 'As above, so below. As within so without,' the 'cycles' of evolution, the fear agenda in the media, the 'secret elite' and their sinister motives, the polarities of love vs fear, the power of choosing love, the study of consciousness and spirituality, the true power of meditation, the essence of life's purpose and much more. This thought-provoking and inspirational film is loaded with marvelous revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and Vamsi Krishna, Yoga devotee Alfred Van Den Bosh and Vedic historian Acintya Govinda Das. It also features appearances of Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Gregg Braden, Alex Jones, David Icke and many more. Understand the bigger picture of all the numerous changes occurring on our earth and individual lives in this mind expanding Internet blockbuster, made in its entirety by ONE filmmaker only, Amel Tresnjic. If you value what is presented in this film, please share the message & make a small donation to our channel. It is the key to being able to make films like these possible. This film has been completely independently funded, produced & released for free. Achievements -Listed next to 'Zeitgeist' in the Disclose TV's 'Top 300 Most Mind Expanding Documentary Films' http://www.disclose.tv/news/300_Mind_Expanding_Documentaries/100448 -8/10 stars on IMDB. To read 16+ user and 36+ more critically acclaimed reviews visit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2461760 -5/5 STAR Review by AIDY Reviews http://aidyreviews.net/2012-crossing-over-a-new-beginning-review/ -5/5 STAR Review by Michael Forrester http://preventdisease.com/news/12/122712_Fascinating-Documentary-Crossing-Over-A-New-Beginning.shtml -Received Honor Award 'New Age of Activism 2012 & Beyond' -Rated 8/10 on Top Documentary Films in Conspiracy http://topdocumentaryfilms.com - 5/5 STAR Rating at 'Awaken Video' http://awakenvideo.org/2013/01/2012-crossing-over-a-new-beginning -Rated 8/10 on Documentary Addict in Mystery http://documentaryaddict.com -Rated 8/10 on Documentary Heaven in Spirituality http://documentaryheaven.com -Added to Archive.Org for cultural preservation https://archive.org/details/2012CrossingOverMovie -Added to 'Films for Action' under vision, philosophy and War + Peace http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/2012_crossing_over_a_new_beginning/ -The original release has been translated into 9+ languages, all by the power of the people -In the first week of release, the film was offered a Hollywood distribution deal, but Amel respectfully rejected it due to the terms that the film needed to be removed from YouTube -Inspired a song entitled 'Cross Over' by Johnna Rae https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hj5XKT1ceI -The film inspired author Mark MacNicol to include references of the Yuga Cycle & human consciousness in his newly released 2nd novel 'Finn McCool Rises' -The film was screened at the Washington DC Correction Center & included in their video library to help encourage positive change in prisoners -It was also added to a Children's Clinic video library in Hawaii to help youth overcome physical & mental illnesses http://lovingservicefoundation.org -The films positive message inspired world-wide fans to host numerous screenings in Australia, Germany, Bosnia, LA, DC, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Russia, UK as well as hundreds of online stations Written, directed, filmed, edited & entirely independently funded & produced by Amel Tresnjic Including Original Music by: Jonathan Kent From the Album: Sundara Nama by Jonathan Kent http://www.jkmusicandwords.com/chanting.htm Produced by Brave Archer Films® http://www.bravearcherfilms.com